onsdag den 27. februar 2019

Terma lystrup

Operating in the aerospace, defense, and security sector, Terma supports customers and partners all over the world. Кеш Схожі Перекласти цю сторінку Denmark. Driving directions, etc. Your country: Choose country, Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Albania, Algeria . International subsidiaries and facilities are based in the U.

With the development of advanced space solutions for over years, Terma Space pioneers the Danish space industry. We provide customized software and hardware products for scientific and commercial satellites, including the very ambitious Rosetta mission. Space has facilities in Denmark ( Lystrup and Herlev), the . In Denmark, Terma facilities are located at Aarhus, Grenaa and Copenhagen.

The company operates through:. Terma in Lystrup , reviews by real people. Terma works closely with national defense forces, public authorities, and international organizations around the world.

Terma - aoip, aoip instruments, aoip measuers sa, audiofader, avl, best power technology inc. På Termas hovedkvarter i Lystrup har man haft store problemer med indeklimaet. Hos Terma skal medarbejderne holde hovedet koldt og koncentrationen i top. Read publications with citations and 1reads.

Contact Preben Bohn on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. The service branch will obligate $2. Air Force Reserve Command equipment funds and $5. Corporate capital, 2000DKK. Type of company, Head Office.

Bestyrelse, Benny Daugaard Laursen. Direktion, Steen Michael Lynenskjold. Nøglepersoner, Jens Maaløe (Administrerende direktør). Virksomhedsinformation. Produkter, Selvbeskyttelsessystemer til jager- og transportfly samt helikoptere.

With this design, Terma has created extremely competitive solutions for all types of vessels such as.

Frigates, Ocean Patrol Vessels. OPV) and small Patrol Vessels down to Rigid Hull Inflatable. Boat (RHIB) mounted versions. We develop and market advanced telecommunications technology to private as well as public network, cable and utility operators all around the world. The organization is divided on the Terma locations in Herlev and in Lystrup.

You will have approximately direct reports in total, consisting of senior specialists, project managers and two people managers. You will get the responsibility for one of the essential areas of Terma , Csystems, and will be part . Vi kan tilbyde en spændende uddannelse, i en international virksomhe hvor vi. I dag er der cirka 7medarbejdere på hovedkontoret, og inden byggeriet går i gang, er der i Lystrup 23.

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