fredag den 29. juni 2018

R134a datablad

Product Name: REFRIGERANT R134a. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS). Please ensure that this MSDS is received by the appropriate person). PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION. HFC- 134a is a compound developed as a replacement product for CFC-12.

With its properties similar to those of CFC-1 it is characterized by noncombustibility, noncorrosiveness, low toxicity, and excellent thermal stability.

It is not compatible with mineral oils like. HMS- DATABLAD i henhold til bestemmelse (EU) nr. Dette HMS- datablad er i samsvar med norske standarder og forskrifter, og oppfyller ikke nødvendigvis kravene i forskrifter i andre land. Oct Beskrivning av åtgärder vid första hjälpen.

Flytta den skadade till frisk luft. Använd tryckluftsapparat med egen behållare. Se till att den skadade hålls varm och i stillhet. Ge andningshjälp om andningen upphör.

Vid kylskada spola med vatten i minst minuter. REACH Registration Number. DISTRIBUTOR: National Refrigerants, Inc. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL:. GHS product identifier.

Other means of identification. Sep R134A (Forane 134A ). Sikkerhetsdatabladet er utarbeidet på bakgrunn av datablad fra produsent. Databladet er utarbeidet i henhold til gjeldende regelverk. Udgivelsesdato: Udarbejdet: 16. ASHRAE Refrigerant number designation: R- 134a.

Tetrafluoroethan ( R134a ). Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet. Features and uses of R- 134a.

The refrigerant gas R- 134a is a HFC replacing R-in new installations. As all HFC refrigerants not damage the ozone layer. It has a great chemical and thermal stability, low toxicity and is non-flammable, besides having an excellent compatibility with most .

TETRAFLUOROETHANE ( R134a ), 0-23. Air Liquide Australia Limited. Melbourne VIC Australia. This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. REPACKAGER: Weitron, Inc.

Contact information: Weitron . Material Safety Data Sheet. Significant skin permeation, and systemic toxicity, after contact appears unlikely. There are no reports of human sensitization.

Frostbite-like effects may occur if liquid or escaping vapors contact the eyes. Increased susceptibility to the. It is used in medium- and high-temperature stationary commercial refrigeration, as well as chiller systems and home appliances.

In addition, it can be used to retrofit existing R-refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Issue Date: Last revised date: 16.

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