Incorrect use can lead to injury. Therefore always read the manual carefully before use. Installation, maintenance and warranty.
Our Fusion tap has been fitted with a double-push-and-turn handle for extra safety. To dispense boiling water, press the textured ring down twice quickly and turn the ring on the second push-down. If this does not work, please make sur.
This video covers the Fusion Square and the. The tank is vacuum- insulated and in here, the water that runs in from the cold water supply is kept at . Contents and dimensions. Kogende vand fra hanen med ét drej på knappen. Sikker, økonomisk og uundværlig i dit køkken.
Yes this is of fundamental importance. Remember if the water temperature is not at 100°C at . The tap that immediately dispenses boiling water.
Tap on the worktop, tank underneath. Vær bare oppmerksom på at når du skal åpne for det kokende vannet, skal du trykke og vri på knappen. Det finnes en dobbelt trykk- og vri funksjon på Fusion-kranene og enkel trykk-.
Tänk bara på att du måste trycka och vrida för att öppna upp för det kokheta vattnet. Ett dubbelt tryck-och-vrid-grepp på Fusion-kranarna och ett enkelt tryck-och-v. This tank is connected to the water by a so-called inlet combination. The water is heated electrically to approx. C and is kept at this temperature.
When boiling water is drawn off, cold . Technical and commercial handbook for the retailers). Team members: Ronald Harkema . Quooker Dealer Manual (2nd version). Anrichte, das an den Kochend-Wasser-Hahn angeschlossen ist. Dieses Reservoir wird durch eine so genannte Sicherheitsgruppe mit der Wasserleitung verbunden. Das Wasser wird elektrisch auf etwa 110ºC erhitzt . Czy instrukcja, której szukasz nie jest na tej stronie?
They point to the following criteria which . Denne beholder bliver igennem en såkaldt sikkerheds- ventil koblet til vandledningen.
Vandet bliver varmet op til ca. C og holdes på denne temperatur. Bruges der af det kogende vand så . A huge selection of big-brand bathroom and kitchen products at massively discounted prices!
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